ࡱ> .0-_  bjbj> > v\ci\cipjaaaaauuu8uap$aaaRaa#  R10a!\L!!a$a!Y ': UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT PINE BLUFF EVALUATION SHEET DATE: STUDENT: ID #: Dear : A review of your transcript indicates that you have completed 90 semester credit hours. We have evaluated your records and identified the remaining requirements necessary for graduation in the field of . It has been determined that you must complete the following courses and/or satisfy the following requirements in order to fulfill all obligations for graduation: Courses Remaining Requirements for Required Date Graduation Yes No English Proficiency ____ ____ Rising Junior Exam ____ ____ Exit University College ____ ____ Comp. Exam in Major ____ ____ Other: ____ ____ _________________ ____ ____ _________________ ____ ____ _________________ ____ ____ Semester Hrs. Attempted: Semester Hrs. Earned: Semester Grade Pts.: Deficiency: ______________________pts. Cum. Avg.: If any errors have been made in evaluating your records, or if for any other reason you desire to discuss your record further, I will be happy to confer with you. You may be assured that every possible consideration will be given to facilitate your graduation. Sincerely, Academic Advisor     AA Form 13 4 Copies: Advisor, Student, Department Chair, Academic Records REVISED: 03/2004 %678@GLM^cdrwxy~R Y 6 S \ ] `      " $ % & ' * J L M N O R r t u v w z ( ) 6 < = C D V hvKT>*CJhvKT5CJ\hvKT hvKTCJ[%678LMcdxyR 6 S \   % & $a$& M N u v ( ) < = C D V W X p r s u v x y { | V W X o p q r s t u v w x y z { | h_ hvKTCJhvKTjhvKTU hvKTCJ t+p,p-p.p1h/R / =!"#$% 4567x666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH   Heading 1R$$$d %d &d 'd @&N O P Q a$ 5CJ\DA D Default Paragraph FontViV 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List 2>@2 Title$a$5\<J@< Subtitle$a$ 5CJ\2B@2  Body TextCJ4"4 Header  !4 @24 Footer  !PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V (BO)MBT.$@0H!A>풠Uc-zD[&!rX=}zC0` ި%.]Ssd--7 +fOZեrŵVœ\lji2ZGwm-3˵j7\ Uk5FҨ-:xRkcr3Ϣ+9kji9OP Et-j|#p;E=Ɖ5Z2sgF=8 K}*7c<`*HJTcB<{Jc]\ Ҡk=ti"MGfIw&9ql> $>HmPd{(6%z:"'/f7w0qBcF6f Iöi1(\}B5ҹ~Bcr6I;}mY/lIz1!) ac 1fm ƪN^I77yrJ'd$s<{uC>== Ƌ(uX=WA NC2>GK<(C,ݖm: &-8j^N܀ݑ$4:/x vTu>*ٞn{M.Ǿ0v4<1>&ⶏVn.B>1CḑOk!#;Ҍ}$pQ˙y')fY?u \$/1d8*ZI$G#d\,{uk<$:lWV j^ZơSc*+ESa1똀 k3Ģxzjv3,jZU3@jWu;z \v5i?{8&==ϘNX1?  O4׹ӧCvHa01 %xz24ĥ=m X\(7Xjg !Ӆqd? cG7.`~w*?, 2 nN*"Fz_&n &\ F:l[+%f _ iiilV  &  8@0(  B S  ?/2prsuvxy{|prsuvxy{|3opsuvxy{|[0;vKT_pr@@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x ArialC. Aptos Display3. AptosA$BCambria Math"1hzgzgf  !20nnKQ@P  $P _2!xx$ $UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT PINE BLUFFWALKER_J Breana Hicks Oh+'0 0< \ h t (UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT PINE BLUFF WALKER_JNormalBreana Hicks2Microsoft Office Word@@}o@@ ՜.+,0 hp  UAPB n %UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT PINE BLUFF Title  !"#$&'()*+,/Root Entry FJ 11Table !WordDocumentvSummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8%CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q