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ChairDate Completed REQUIREMENTS:Exit University College)HUMANITIES (6 HOURS) ]MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCES (11 HOURS) OTHER (Specify):`NOTE: If student required developmental education courses, please verify successful completion.=FRESHMAN STUDIES (3 HOURS)- Revised: 03/2004)ENGLISH/ COMMUNICATIONS (12 HOURS)>HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (5 HOURS)#SOCIAL SCIENCES (9 HOURS)HLPE 1310 Health and Safety or#HUSC 1311 Nutrition and Wellness or4MLSC 1210 or 1220 will substitute for 1 hour of P.E.30ENGL 1311 English Composition I*min grade of "C"1ENGL 1321 English Composition II*min grade of "C"C(At least 3 hours of U. S. 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