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Guidelines for developing a protocol application can be found in the following documents: USDA/APHIS Animal Welfare Act Regulations,  HYPERLINK "http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/awr.shtml" http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/awr.shtml American Society of Mammalogists IACUC, Guidelines for the capture, handling and care of mammals as approved by the American Society of Mammalogists Gaunt, AS and Oring, LW (eds.), Guidelines to the Use of Wild Birds in Research Use of Fishes in Research Committee, American Fisheries Society, Guidelines for the Use of Fishes in Research  HYPERLINK "http://fisheries.org/docs/wp/Guidelines-for-Use-of-Fishes.pdf" http://fisheries.org/docs/wp/Guidelines-for-Use-of-Fishes.pdf The Canadian Council on Animal Care, guidelines on the care and use of fish in research, teaching, and testing  HYPERLINK "http://www.ccac.ca/en/CCAC_Programs/Guidelines_Policies/GDLINES/Fish/fish_implementation.htm%20" http://www.ccac.ca/en/CCAC_Programs/Guidelines_Policies/GDLINES/Fish/fish_implementation.htm  Herpetological IACUC of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Guidelines for the Use of Live Amphibians and Reptiles in Field and Laboratory Research The Ag Guide, or the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching,  HYPERLINK "http://www.fass.org/" www.fass.org. The NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) sites and brochures: Public Health Service (PHS) Grants Policy,  HYPERLINK "http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy" http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,  HYPERLINK "http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/references/phspol.htm" http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/references/phspol.htm What Investigators Need to Know About the Use of Animals,  HYPERLINK "http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/investigatorsneed2know.pdf" http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/investigatorsneed2know.pdf o The AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (2013 edition)  HYPERLINK "https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf" https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf Please provide responses to all sections that pertain to procedures incorporating the use of animals in teaching and research settings. Submit your completed application (as a MS-Word file) to the IACUC Chairperson, Dr. David Fernandez (fernandezd@uapb.edu) Reviews of the applications are performed by either designated member(s) and/or the entire IACUC. The justification the use and the welfare of the animals are considered during the review. Protocols will be a approved for a period of three years and a new protocol will be required for IACUC for review before the current protocol expires. Progress reports on the use of animals will be provided to the IACUC for review, annually. Training in the responsibilities of the researchers and any hazards associated with animals will be provided and all animal users must demonstrate their knowledge and awareness through the completion of appropriate training. Information about the IACUC at UAPB is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.uapb.edu/administration/research_innovation_and_economic_development/office_of_research_and_sponsored_programs/internal_forms.aspx" http://www.uapb.edu/administration/research_innovation_and_economic_development/office_of_research_and_sponsored_programs/internal_forms.aspx IACUC Chairperson Dr. David Fernandez (fernandezd@uapb.edu) Any individual aware of apparent misuses of animals can be reported to the IACUC Chairperson or any member of the IACUC, or a College Dean. viogٷվ Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Animal Use Protocol Application The 3Rs applied to animal research: reduce, refine, replace Submission date:  RESPONSIBLE INVESTIGATOR (must be a faculty member) Name:School/Department:Campus phone number:Emergency contact number:E-mail: ANIMAL USE PROTOCOL Title of protocol:TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE CALCEIN MARKING OF FISHType of protocol:__ research ___ teachingType of application:___ new (de novo) ___ renewal of protocol #: ___ amendment to protocol #: _______ (use the MSWord track changes function to the approved protocol when submitting)Responsible technician(s) (name and phone number):Greyson Farris (501) 580-6550 Grant information (title and #, funding source and dates): Evans Allen Projectsee also section IX, part 2 DECLARATION BY THE RESPONSIBLE INVESTIGATOR (faculty member): I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this Animal Use Protocol Application is complete and accurate. Any changes to this protocol will only be made with prior approval from the UAPB IACUC. All students and associates working with this project will be properly trained and perform tasks that comply with procedure(s) outlined in this application and I acknowledge that further submissions describing annual renewals are required and will be submitted. Please indicate your understanding of the above statements by entering your initials here: . Responsible investigator (faculty)Signature Date ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL: All personnel that are involved with the activities listed here are required to acknowledge that they are aware of proposed animal use procedures. Their signatures indicate that they will use the animals in a manner that complies with the procedures listed in the protocol. NameTraining documented?Date of RASQ submissionE-mail addressSignature IACUC OFFICE USE Date received:Protocol #:Approval date:Renewal date:Review type: designated member fullanimal numbersAssigned to:This protocol has been reviewed and approved by the IACUC, viogٷվ. David Fernandez, PhD Date: IACUC Chair I. TEACHING AND RESEARCH APPLICATIONS: SPECIES, NUMBERS OF ANIMALS TO BE USED, SEX, AND HOUSING LOCATION. Complete the table below. Additional species may be added to the justification narrative below. Species and strainNumber per yearTotal number for 3 yearsSexHousing location Research Use: Justify both the choice of species and the numbers planned to be used. - List each experiment and describe the numbers for each experimental and control group and indicate the types of statistical analyses planned. Certain species are of greater regulatory concern (e.g., an endangered species); in these cases provide a justification for their use both here and in Section IX, part 16. Provide a justification for any additional specific requirements these animals (e.g. age, weight, strain, etc). II. RATIONALE FOR THE PROPOSED USE OF ANIMALS. State briefly the broad objectives and specific aims of this animal use application intended either for teaching or research purposes. Explain succinctly, in lay terms, why these animals will be used in teaching, what knowledge will be gained by their use, or their relevance in improving human and/or animal health in a research project. Write it as if it were to be published in a community newspaper. III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE OF ANIMALS. Describe each of the exercises or experiments of this teaching or research so that it can be evaluated by the IACUC. In your description describe the procedures performed on the animals. Details regarding bench analysis of samples collected should be avoided unless specifically related to procedures performed on animals. From the ILAR Guide: a clear and concise sequential description of the procedures involving the use of animals that is easily understood by all members of the committee. Indicate for each exercise or experiment the location (laboratory, classroom) where the procedures will be performed and include any procedures manuals or standard operating procedures that clarify activities using animals as part of this application. Details on literature cited in this application should be provided in section IX, part 20. List the specific husbandry activities associated with these activities using animals. Note any special care or veterinary concerns. - For teaching protocols, include information about the course and who will teach it. Describe their training in other sections (e.g., under euthanasia in V.D and generally in VIII). - For research protocols, describe the the research design and outline the experimental procedures (e.g., breeding, surgery, manipulation, what tissues or other samples will be collected, the kinds of observations in behavioral or field studies), description of other methods to be used, data analysis, and literature references. IV. PROCEDURES TO LIMIT DISCOMFORT, PAIN, OR DISTRESS. Complete the table below. For "Pain Classification," indicate one of the following: "A" for procedures which involve no pain or minimal distress to the animals studied (e.g., demonstrations, most nutrition studies, injections, venipuncture, tail biopsy at less than 30 days of age). "B" for procedures where pain or distress will be controlled by the use of anesthetics, analgesics, or tranquilizers (e.g., surgical techniques, blood sampling under tranquilizer, tail biopsy at more than 30 days of age). Complete Section IX, subsection 6. "C" for studies where pain relieving drugs cannot be used to control pain (e.g., pain studies, or experiments where drug use would negate the design). Complete Section IX, subsections 3, 4, and 5, as relevant. Species and strainNumber per yearTotal number for 3 yearsSexPain classification A, B, or C V. METHOD OF EUTHANASIA. All applications must include this section, even if euthanasia is not the intended means of disposal of animals when ending the protocol, as it may become necessary in an emergency or as the result of an irreversible decline in the health of an animal. Note: death must be assured before discarding the carcass. Planned number of animals to be euthanized zero is acceptable: Describe the procedure to be employed, including the dosage and route of administration if a chemical agent is to be used. How will death be assured? (one method is to open the thoracic cavity of each animal and cut into the heart.) Describe the qualifications (specific experience and training) of the named individual(s) who will perform this task. Does the procedure comply with guidelines appropriate to the animal (link to the HYPERLINK "https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf" \t "_blank"American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines on Euthanasia for typical species; consult other guidelines for non-traditional species)? Yes or No: . If not, please justify: VI. ALTERNATIVES TO THE USE OF LIVE ANIMALS. According to federal law, alternatives to the use of live animals must be considered. Alternatives have been broadly defined to include: procedures that reduce the number of animals used (e.g., special statistical designs, sharing animals/specimens with several projects, etc.); refinements that decrease the pain or distress experienced by the animal; and methods that replace animals with non-animal alternatives or employ the use of animals with a lower taxonomic status. If your protocol includes any procedures to reduce or refine, please describe briefly. If any alternatives (reducing, refining, or replacing) are available, and they are not being used, you must explain what they are and why they are not being used. If no alternatives (reducing, refining, or replacing) are available, please explain why. For pain class 'B' and 'C' proposals, if no alternatives are available (as indicated in Section VI. C), then you must fully explain the basis for this assertion. If an electronic literature search constitutes part of the basis for this assertion, please provide: Approximate date you conducted the search: Source(s) searched: Key words used: Date range of the search: VII. UNNECESSARY DUPLICATION. Federal regulations prohibit the unnecessary duplication of animal uses. The IACUC at UAPB recognizes that, sometimes, duplication may be necessary (e.g., pilot projects, teaching laboratory exercises, and student research projects that are intended to provide hands-on experience with techniques or equipment or to stimulate the students' intellect). Does the proposed use of animals duplicate previous experimentation on the same species by anyone? If the protocol does duplicate previous experimentation on this species, why is the duplication necessary? If the protocol does not duplicate previous work, what is the basis for this assertion? (That is, are you familiar with the research in the field by virtue of your acknowledged expertise, as the result of your review of the literature, etc.? If your review of the literature involved a computerized search of one or more literature databases, please provide details of the databases, dates covered, and topics or keywords searched.) VIII. TRAINING IN PROCEDURES WITH LABORATORY ANIMALS. Complete the appropriate section here, describing the training and hands-on experience of all persons involved with this protocol. Be specific to the techniques, manipulations, and animals which are to be used in this protocol. Include your (and others) CITI training transcript number and date of completion. Write as if explaining ones abilities to an auditor or inspector. Describe the roles and responsibilities of persons specifically named as additional personnel on the signature page of this application. The protocol and amendments which add personnel cannot be approved until training is completed and documented. Research projects: For all participating individuals (principal investigator/faculty member, graduate students, undergraduate students, McNair scholars, collaborators, etc.), summarize the training pertinent to this investigation. Include on-line courses (e.g.,  HYPERLINK "http://www.aalaslearninglibrary.org/" \t "_blank" AALAS learning library,  HYPERLINK "http://www.citiprogram.org" CITI program), certifications, experience, classroom training, continuing education, workshops, etc. Personal training records must be kept for review, which should include who was trained, who did the training, what type of training was done, and when. In summary form, describe that here. And indicate here who is responsible for maintaining these training records in the lab where the animal usage will occur. Teaching/laboratory projects: As the instructor (which includes teaching assistants), summarize your experience with the animals to be used and the associated procedures. In addition, describe the training to be given to the students relative to laboratory animals, which is not covered in the animal use sections II and III. Attach pertinent documents such as syllabi. IX. SECTIONS TO BE SUBMITTED. From the following list indicate which topics, as appropriate, are to be included in this proposed protocol by placing a check (or X) in front of the subsection number. Do not mark subsections that are not relevant to your protocol. Complete and submit ALL PARTS of the subsections you have checked. 1.TEACHING LABORATORY EXERCISE2.RESEARCH PROJECT (FACULTY OR STUDENT)3.PAIN CLASSIFICATION "C" (see definition above)4.ALTERNATIVES TO DEATH AS AN END POINT5.PROLONGED RESTRAINT6.PROCEDURES INVOLVING SURGERY, GENERAL ANESTHESIA, SEDATION, TRANQUILIZATION (must also include subsection 5 of Section IX)7.SURGERY FOLLOWED BY RECOVERY (must also include subsections 5 and 6 of Section IX)8.REPEATED SURGERY ON THE SAME ANIMAL (must also include subsections 5, 6, and 7 of Section IX)9.COLLECTION OF ANIMAL TISSUES OR FLUIDS (from live animals)10.MAINTENANCE OUTSIDE OF DESIGNATED ANIMAL HOUSING FACILITIES (> 12 consecutive hours)11.AQUATIC SPECIES (fish, amphibia, and aquatic reptiles)12.USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS13.USE OF BIOHAZARDS14.USE OF TEST SUBSTANCES15.USE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES16.MEANS OF DISPOSAL OR FURTHER USE FOR ANIMALS NOT EUTHANIZED17.RESEARCH OR TEACHING UTILIZING WILD ANIMALS18.WORK TO BE CONDUCTED OFF-CAMPUS (INCLUDING FIELD RESEARCH AND TEACHING)19.COLLABORATORS OR EXPERTS CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROJECT20.LITERATURE CITED FOR RESEARCH PROJECT (FACULTY OR STUDENT)21.INVESTIGATOR PUBLICATIONS RESULTING FROM PREVIOUS USE OF ANIMALS IN RESEARCH 1. TEACHING LABORATORY EXERCISE. If this protocol is to be used in a laboratory exercise in a regularly scheduled class, please complete this subsection. In the table below, please note the course(s) in which the proposed animal procedures will be carried out, the academic years during which the course will be taught, and the academic quarters in which the course will be taught. Please also indicate the number of students who take the course and the number of animals that will be used per academic year. Course prefix, number and titleAcademic years in which the course will be taught (maximum of 3)Quarters taught (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer)Number of animals per yearNumber of students per year Where relevant, provide full citation of source from which exercise was taken: A copy of the laboratory exercise attached for the IACUC to review? Yes or No: . What course objectives are satisfied by the use of animals? Non-animal alternatives: If any laboratory exercise(s) in this course utilizes non-animal alternatives (e.g., videotapes, computer, or other simulations), briefly describe the exercise(s). If no laboratory exercises in this course utilize non-animal alternatives, please justify. Occupational health and safety: All class participants must review animal use guidelines and sign the laboratory safety agreement provided to them by the instructor to allow them to self-assess their risk to exposure with animals. Faculty are obligated to ensure that students have been made aware of common risks associated with the use of animals in research. Please indicate your understanding of this requirement by entering your initials here: . 2. RESEARCH PROJECT (FACULTY OR STUDENT). Complete the relevant parts of this subsection if this protocol is for a faculty, graduate student, or undergraduate student research project (including term projects in regularly scheduled courses) which take place either on campus or off campus. If this is a student project, please report the following information for all students involved. NameStudent IDMajorStatus (Undergraduate/Graduate)Phone number If this is a student research project which is associated with a course, please indicate the course information (i.e., catalog number, McNair Scholar, Honors College, etc.). If this is a master's thesis research, simply indicate "thesis". Project period (provide month and year): from through . If this proposal has been submitted for funding, provide the title of the submitted proposal (if different from title given above). Provide relevant sections of the grant proposal (e.g., for PHS grants, section 12 on Vertebrate Animals, 1. Proposed use of animals and the section other project information) as uploaded .docs or PDFs: Source(s) of requested funding and date(s) submitted: Occupational health and safety: All participants involved in research projects must review the UAPB Risk Assessment Screening Questionnaire for self-assessment of ones risk from exposure to animals and then possibly complete the "Confidential Health History Questionnaire for Students, Faculty, Staff and All Others Exposed to Laboratory Animals" as administered by UAPBs Environmental Health and Safety Office (links below). Faculty are obligated to ensure the submission of these documents. Please indicate your understanding of these requirements by entering your initials here: . These documents may be obtained via the following links: 3. PAIN CLASSIFICATION "C". Please answer the following questions for any section of the proposed study where there will be significant unavoidable pain or distress which cannot be relieved by the use of drugs: What is the scientific justification for the procedure(s)? Explain why pain cannot be alleviated, document consideration of alternatives, and, if there are procedures involving less pain, explain why these procedures are not being used. Has the IACUC Veterinarian been consulted in planning these procedures? Yes or No: . If not, please explain: 4. ALTERNATIVES TO DEATH AS AN END POINT. The IACUC is concerned about humane endpoints as in LD50 or tumor studies. If the proposed use of animals is one in which painful or stressful outcomes are anticipated (pain class C), then it is necessary to include criteria to be used in identifying animals that are about to die (are moribund). Include your process for timely intervention to remove them from the study for treatment, or to euthanize them. You may attach recordkeeping forms to the ePS please note that here. If it is necessary to continue this experiment until any of the animals die as a result of the experiment, then fully justify the requirement. Criteria provide a list of observable criteria (e.g., weight loss, tumor size, physiological responses) to assess morbidity to use in identifying animals to be removed from the study. Frequency of observation what is the period of time during each experiment when morbidity is most likely to occur and, during this time, what will be the frequency of observation and assessment of the animals? Who will make these observations? Process what procedures are to be followed when it has been determined that an animal is to be removed from the study? Be sure to specify what individuals have the authority to make this determination and what other individuals, if any, must be contacted before animals are removed. What is to be done with animals removed from the study? 5. PROLONGED RESTRAINT. If animals will be subjected to prolonged (more than momentary) restraint, please describe the following. Examples include having pigs in a sling and rodents in a tube for multiple blood sampling for hours-long periods. Type of restraint (e.g., rabbit plastic restrainer, tethering). Time duration of restraint (e.g., 1 to 2 hours, overnight) Scientific justification for the restraint. 6. PROCEDURES INVOLVING SURGERY, GENERAL ANESTHESIA, SEDATION, TRANQUILIZATION. (also complete subsection 5 of Section IX): Number of animals to be operated on and/or anesthetized/sedated/tranquilized. Describe the anesthetic, sedative, and tranquilizing agent(s) to be employed (state dosages/weight and route of administration). Describe monitoring and supportive care (EKG, IV solutions, etc.) to be provided during surgery. Provide a description of the surgical procedure. What are the training and experience of individual(s) who will perform the surgery and/or anesthesia/sedation/tranquilization. Are paralytic drugs (e.g., curare or pancuronium) to be used? If so, name the drug including dosage and route of administration and describe how the absence of pain will be assessed (use of paralytics without anesthesia is prohibited). 7. SURGERY FOLLOWED BY RECOVERY. If the animals are expected to regain consciousness following the surgical procedure, please answer the following (also complete subsections 5 and 6 of Section IX): How will asepsis be maintained during the surgical procedure? Describe the supportive care (fluids, warm environment, etc.) to be provided during recovery. Describe analgesics and/or anti-inflammatory agents to be administered after surgery (state dosages, frequency, duration of medication administration, and route of administration). Describe antibiotics to be administered after surgery (state dosages, frequency, duration of medication administration, and route of administration). Who will provide postoperative care (including management of postoperative complications) which may be necessary during normal working hours as well as weekend and holiday care? F. Describe the potential complications that could occur as a result of the procedure/surgery. 8. REPEATED SURGERY ON THE SAME ANIMAL. (also complete subsections 5, 6, and 7 of Section IX) If more than one major surgical procedure is to be performed on a single animal, please describe and justify. Know that the IACUC will especially review this subsection. 9. COLLECTION OF ANIMAL TISSUES OR FLUIDS, WHETHER OR NOT INVASIVE. (from live animals) Describe what tissue(s), body fluid(s), or other samples are to be collected: Amount to be collected and at what frequency: Describe the method(s) of collection: Will an anesthetic, sedative, or tranquilizer be administered prior to collection? Yes or No: . (If yes, complete subsections 5 and 6 of Section IX). 10. MAINTENANCE OUTSIDE OF DESIGNATED ANIMAL HOUSING FACILITIES. If animals will be maintained in a laboratory or other area not designated for housing of laboratory animals at the Unviersity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff for more than twelve consecutive hours, then answer the following: Location and describe the facilities that will be used to house the animals: Justification: Who will provide the husbandry and veterinary care in this area? 11. AQUATIC SPECIES (fish, amphibia, and aquatic reptiles). When aquatic species are to be used, there are specific animal care and use requirements to address. Some responses may overlap with field studies involving aquatics. Provide details of tank(s) or enclosures and the cleaning schedule. Describe maintenance of water quality (e.g., filtered, frequency of change, temperature, pH, nitrates, chlorine, etc.). Describe routine animal care procedures (e.g., feeding schedule, checking for health of animals). Describe any hazards (biological, chemical, or physical) associated with the maintenance and care of aquatic species and emergency procedures pertinent to the safety of aquatic species and personnel who care for them. 12. USE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. If hazardous materials including radioisotopes and toxic substances are to be used, answer the following. Attach approval from the UAPB Radiation Safety Committee and/or the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, as appropriate. Radioisotope(s): Other hazardous material(s) or toxin(s): Amount to be used: Role of material in study: Degree and nature of risk to personnel: Safety precautions for personnel directly and indirectly involved: Means of storage of hazardous material: Means of disposal of hazardous material including contaminated animal carcasses, bedding, and wastes: 13. USE OF BIOHAZARDS. If infectious agents, tumor cells, recombinant DNA, or other hazardous biological materials ( HYPERLINK "http://www.csupomona.edu/~ehs/ftp/SelectAgentsList.doc" \t "_blank" link to list at EH&S) are to be used in the proposed study, answer the following. Has this use been approved by the University Biosafety Committee? Yes or No: . If yes, please provide documentation from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. What animal Bio-Safety Level (ABSL) is recommended for these biohazards by the appropriate regulatory agencies? Please consult the current edition of Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (CDC/NIH) for guidance and the documentation of procedures. What are the genus, species, and serotype of pathogenic organisms included in this study? Describe the pathogenicity of the organism(s) or agent(s) being used. 14. USE OF TEST SUBSTANCES. If a test substance (e.g., a dietary additive) other than the hazardous materials described above is to be administered, answer the following: Test substance(s), dosages, and route(s) of administration: Number of animals to receive the test substances: What are the expected outcomes of administration? How will the animal(s) react? Will there be any toxic metabolites in blood, urine, feces, bedding, etc., as personnel safety concerns? 15. USE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. If controlled substances (e.g., narcotics or barbiturates) are to be used, describe security arrangements and who will be responsible for the record keeping and use of these drugs. To determine whether a substance used in your proposed experiments is a controlled substance, please review the information provided by the  HYPERLINK "http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/schedules/schedules.htm" \t "_blank" U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration. 16. MEANS OF DISPOSAL OR FURTHER USE OF ANIMALS NOT EUTHANIZED. Please describe as applicable: 17. RESEARCH OR TEACHING UTILIZING WILD ANIMALS If animals will be obtained from a commercial supplier, give the supplier's name: If you will be responsible for capturing animals from wild populations, attach a copy of the appropriate wildlife agency approval(s), and answer the following questions: Describe the method of capture. Describe safety and protective measures for personnel involved. Describe procedures to ensure the well being of the animals after capture and during transportation to and from the research site. See the IACUC policy on transport of animals while conducting studies in the field. Do you have written and available SOPs (standard operating procedures)? Yes or No: . Please attach and describe: D. Are any of the animals being used endangered species or at risk of endangerment? 18. WORK TO BE CONDUCTED OFF-CAMPUS (INCLUDING FIELD RESEARCH AND TEACHING) If the research or teaching involves the use of some UAPB facilities (e.g., the housing of animals) but will occur primarily at another institution which is taking responsibility for approval of the protocol, provide a copy of the IACUC approval from that host institution. If this is the case, you need only complete the sections of this form which relate to the use of UAPB facilities. Please provide a clear explanation of how the UAPB facilities will be involved under Section III "Description of the proposed use of animals." Field research or teaching: Complete all relevant sections of this application. Explain the location of the study site and, where appropriate, provide evidence of permission (permit, license) to use the site. See also the IACUC policy on transport of animals while conducting studies in the field regarding animal care and personnel safety. 19. COLLABORATORS OR EXPERTS CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROJECT. List all collaborators or other experts who will contribute substantially to this project, and explain their participation and qualifications for the intended contributions. 20. LITERATURE CITED FOR RESEARCH PROJECT (FACULTY OR STUDENT). Provide a complete list of the literature cited. 21. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (PI) PUBLICATIONS RESULTING FROM PREVIOUS USE OF ANIMALS IN RESEARCH. Provide a complete list of all PI publications that have resulted from the use of animals in research.     PAGE  Page  PAGE 6 of  NUMPAGES 12 UABP Animal Use Protocol Application (revised 7-20-2015) We do not currently have these trainings, so you may ignore this section for the present We do not yet have this training, so you may ignore it for the present. Ignore for now I do not know if we have a radiation safety committee and there is no office of EHS, so you may ignore the approval for now. We do not yet have this office, so you may ignore this link,but not the section if it is applicable. Dr. Manoharan is the chair of the Institutional Biosafety committee. manoharanm@uapb.edu $%&EJLMXm= ̺xfXJ?DE±ӋӠz`K`8`z$h|Bh|B0JCJOJQJ^JaJ)h|Bh|BB*CJOJQJ^JaJph2jh|Bh|BB*CJOJQJU^JaJph hbh|BCJOJQJ^JaJ)h Qh|BB*CJOJQJ^JaJph h Qh|BCJOJQJ^JaJ h Qh QCJOJQJ^JaJ h Qh|BCJOJQJ^JaJ2jh Qh|BB*CJOJQJU^JaJph$h Qh|B0JCJOJQJ^JaJLMOEs$ & F ^`a$gdcv $ & Fa$gd` $ & Fxa$gd[ $ & Fxa$gdcv $ & Fxa$gd#r $v^va$gd#r ^`gd Q & F, *^`gd Q & F, ^`gd Q IJKLMTҮ{m\N=, hVTh=CJOJQJ^JaJ hVTh:qCJOJQJ^JaJh18hCJOJQJ^JaJ hh18hCJOJQJ^JaJhnCJOJQJ^JaJ hbh:qCJOJQJ^JaJ hbh QCJOJQJ^JaJ h Qh#rCJOJQJ^JaJ$h Qh Q0JCJOJQJ^JaJ h Qh QCJOJQJ^JaJ)jh Qh QCJOJQJU^JaJh Qh QCJaJh QCJOJQJ^JaJ #8MNOWy|  Mbotﮠ~~~mm_mQhCJOJQJ^JaJh^/CJOJQJ^JaJ hbh[CJOJQJ^JaJ hbh?CJOJQJ^JaJ hbhCJOJQJ^JaJhnCJOJQJ^JaJhVTCJOJQJ^JaJ hVTh^/CJOJQJ^JaJ hVThlCJOJQJ^JaJ hVTh=CJOJQJ^JaJ hVTh:qCJOJQJ^JaJE\]w○{j{YHYHY hK2h^/CJOJQJ^JaJ hK2h:qCJOJQJ^JaJ hhVTCJOJQJ^JaJ hh6gCJOJQJ^JaJ hhCJOJQJ^JaJ hhCJOJQJ^JaJ hh:qCJOJQJ^JaJ hbh"jCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ hbhYCJOJQJ^JaJ hbh[CJOJQJ^JaJ%BCDEJK߭}o}^P^^P^? hbh,zCJOJQJ^JaJh^/CJOJQJ^JaJ hbhGCJOJQJ^JaJh?sCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ hK2hGCJOJQJ^JaJ hK2h^/CJOJQJ^JaJhK2CJOJQJ^JaJ$h.h`0JCJOJQJ^JaJ h`h`CJOJQJ^JaJh`CJOJQJ^JaJ#jh`CJOJQJU^JaJ 4TYZ[\g|m[J9[ h?[h=CJOJQJ^JaJ h?[h. 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